Identification Code of Slovakia - Retrospect

We have the honor to present to you the work and profiles of current laureates of the Identification code of Slovakia. They are the creators who write only the true history for future generations. Together, they represent six previous years. They are holders of the Identification Code of Slovakia Award which talks about the value and creativity, about the ability to speak and capture, about timeless melody of culture which is primarily human.

4th June 2013 (Tuesday) at 7pm in the gallery of Dom umenia, Námestie SNP, Bratislava. You are all welcome.

Independent Slovakia is twenty years old. On the 3rd of August, at the Bratislava Castle, we will ceremonially award twenty new laureates of the Identification Code of Slovakia.

Event photographs:

Download this file (iksretrospektiva13_poz.jpg)Pozvánka[Invitation]271 kB
Read more: Identification Code of Slovakia - Retrospect

Alexander Vika - Harmony

Harmónia Alexandra Viku (plakety a medaily) na výstave 22. mája o 16.00 hod. v Galérii Sala Terrena v Prezidentskom paláci v Bratislave.

Tešíme sa na Vás.

Fotografie z vernisáže:

Download this file (vika13_kat.pdf)Katalóg[Catalogue]310 kB
Download this file (vika13_poz.pdf)Pozvánka[Invitation]55 kB
Read more: Alexander Vika - Harmony

Perla dell'Adriatico 2013

VII. ročník medzinárodnej súťaže sa uskutoční v dňoch 1. júna – 23. júna 2013 vo výstavných priestoroch Galérie mesta Grottammare.

Download this file (perlaadrie13_inf.doc)Informácia[Information]75 kB

Andrzej Cieślar - Pictures with attribute

Andrzej's work is a prime example of artistic quality. The value we seek diligently, because the art is losing it. The Silesian artist presents strong expressive and authentic potential of pictures with a great future.

On 23rd May 2013 (Thursday) at 18.00. in Private Gallery BCPB, Vysoká street No. 17, Bratislava.

Event photographs:

Download this file (cieslar13_poz.jpg)Pozvánka[Invitation]246 kB
Read more: Andrzej Cieślar - Pictures with attribute

MABE - "Judášovo ucho" (pocta O. Kulhánkovi)

Galéria Michalský dvor si dovoľuje pozvať Vás a Vašich priateľov na vernisáž výstavy MABE "Judášovo ucho" (pocta O. Kulhánkovi), ktorá sa uskutoční v piatok, 10.5.2013 o 17:00 hodine na Michalskej ulici č. 3 v Bratislave za osobnej účasti autora.

Kurátor výstavy: PhDr. Ľuboslav Moza. Výstavu otvorí fotograf Tibor Huszár.

Fotografie z vernisáže:

Download this file (mabe13_poz.jpg)Pozvánka[Invitation]125 kB
Read more: MABE - "Judášovo ucho" (pocta O. Kulhánkovi)

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