Emília Urbanová - Obrazy

Srdečne Vás pozývame na výstavu jednej z najvýznamnejších slovenských maliarok portrétu. Emília Urbanová.

V piatok, 7.9.2012, o 17.00 hodine v Seredi.

Download this file (urbanova12_inf.doc)Informácia[Information]27 kB
Download this file (urbanova12_poz.pdf)Pozvánka[Invitation]133 kB

Premio Internazionale D'Arte San Crispino 2012

Ďalší ročník prestížnej umeleckej súťaže. San Crispino 2012. Aj odtiaľto nosia najvyššie ocenenia až po taliansky parlament aj slovenskí výtvarní umelci. Viac v prílohe.

Download this file (crispino12_inf.doc)Informácia[Information]35 kB

Pavel Móza - Indeed

A new school year begins. For us also an exhibition year. Come to take a look at an exhibition of the artist, who is certainly interesting.

31.8.2012 at 18.00. The BCPB Private Gallery.

Download this file (moza12_poz.jpg)Pozvánka[Invitation]574 kB

Andrzej Cieślar - Obrazy

Dávame do pozornosti vernisáš maliara Andrzeja Cieślara, ktorá sa bude konať 7.9.2012 v moravskom Hlučíne.


Download this file (cieslar12_poz.jpeg)Pozvánka[Invitation]151 kB

Identification Code of Slovakia VI

The Artem association under the auspices of the chairman of National Council of the SR Pavol Paška kindly invites you to the VI. year of awarding prize of the Identification Code of Slovakia to new laureates. The ceremony and the cernissage of the exhibition will take place on 4th of August, 2012 (Saturday) at 16.00 at the representative areas of the western terrace of the Bratislava Castle.


Event photogallery:

Download this file (identifi12_kat.pdf)Katalóg[Catalogue]1658 kB
Download this file (identifi12_poz.pdf)Pozvánka[Invitation]170 kB
Read more: Identification Code of Slovakia VI

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