Nora Gičinská - Doma je doma

Mladá, ambiciózna a farebná. Nora Gičinská na jednodňovej vystave v Šenkviciach. Obrazy obklopené teplom domova a predsviatočných dobrôt. Už 7. decembra. Je iba dobré umenie. A doma je doma.

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Made in Croatia

You have seen nothing like this before. 55 artists will introduce 72 works of art at a vernissage representing 13 countries from all around the world. This is a vernissage for You. Bratislava seldom offers such large exhibition project in scope as well as in value. Exhibition of works of Croatian Galerija Paradiso Rab. All works are exceptional and also available for sale at this special event.

Visit the vernissage with a Croatian hospitality in the Slovak Radio Gallery, on st. Nicholaus day, December 6th in the evening, with personal participation of Slovak and foreign personalities.

This is not advertisment. This is truth.

Event photographs:

Download this file (makek12_kat.pdf)Katalóg[Catalogue]2479 kB
Download this file (makek12_poz.pdf)Pozvánka[Invitation]183 kB
Read more: Made in Croatia

Listy - Alexander Vika

Slovenské sochárske umenie má úžasnú tradíciu. V monumentálnej podobe ho reprezentujú veľké mená, ktoré vytvorili tie najkrajšie a najväčšie pomníky dobám minulým. Vznikali a doposiaľ sú trvalou súčasťou nášho životného okolia. Stretávame sa s nimi dennodenne. Uniká nám však ich podstata. Tvorivý akt autora, ktorý v danej dobe zobrazil čas, ktorý žil, aby stopu o ňom zanechal budúcim generáciám. Dnešok zabúda rýchlejšie ako kedy predtým. Nielen pre nekonečnú prázdnotu monotónnych životných impulzov, ktorým postupne podliehajú aj tí najpevnejší. Všetko sa stáva dekoráciou. Možno len závidieť iným národom, ktoré poznajú životopisy každého svojho umelca, ktorého tvorba formuje ich životné prostredie. Slovenské komorné sochárstvo tvorí nezastupiteľnú hodnotu nášho umenia. V medaile, plakete, v reliéfoch, či už pre exteriér, alebo v interiérovej monumentálnej realizácii. Veľký pôvab majú komorné plastiky v rôznych materiáloch. Naše sochárstvo bolo i zostáva svetovým. Zaslúžil sa o to aj významný slovenský sochár, docent, akademický maliar, Doktor Honoris Causa, majiteľ viacerých významných cien a uznaní, Alexander Vika.

Read more: Listy - Alexander Vika

White Blue Red 2

"It is one of the biggest projects of the Artem company. About the creators and people who could or should know each other." Its authors - artist Miloš Prekop and art theorist Ľuboslav Moza, compiled for this year base from which it would be developed next years.

Three colors of flags. Today, they are the ones presented in invitation. The event is about the mobility of culture creators. About the recognition, evaluation and exploration of new areas of artistic expression.

We would like to invite you to gala final performance of exhibition, that will be held on 5th November at 6pm in the Slovak Radio Gallery. The exhibition is accessible from 22th October 2012.

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Deňel + Dadaday

Creativity, purity, sincerity and craziness is in art of the young teenagers. They still take life seriously. It is a pleasure to meet them.

Already IV. exhibition of prestigious art group DEŇEL will be held in representative area of Rotunda Gallery by Slavín. We sincerely invite you to this preChristmas visit this one- day project of youngest creators, who invited also creative group DADADAY. The exhibition in diversity of colors, shapes and emotions will connect artwork of its realistic appearance with dadaist-conceptual screams of today. The proceeds from sold artworks will be donated to Artem foundation.

Date: one-day project on 20th October, 2012 at 16.00 to 20.00. At a meeting on this Saturday at 4pm we, about who talks attached catalog, will be there. And also lot of precious people. Singer Marcela Leiferova, astronomer Vojtech Rušin, pedagogues and YOU.

Event photographs:

Download this file (denel12_kat.jpg)Katalóg[Catalogue]1926 kB
Download this file (denel12_poz.jpg)Pozvánka[Invitation]178 kB
Read more: Deňel + Dadaday

Vojtech Rušin - Poetry of human soul

We invite you to the official opening of an extraordinary book of photographs about the people conected with authors exhibiton. Vojtech Rušin, a major Slovak astronomer, an expert on sun and fan of the popscience, made the original book of human characters on his roads by looking for the beauty of the sun. He finds the beauty of the man, his strenght and goodness.

The book will be brought to life by famous Slovak Singer and leader of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. In cultural program will perform Eva Golovková. 23th October 2012 at 6pm in Little Conference centre of SAS, Štefánikova 3, Bratislava.

Event photogallery:

Download this file (rusin12_poz.jpg)Pozvánka[Invitation]1084 kB
Read more: Vojtech Rušin - Poetry of human soul

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