Kolomanov úsmev

Neviem či má byť vždy úsmev za hlúposťou, či drzosťou.

Na jednej z nedávnych výstav na dekanáte, ktoré pravidelne realizuje katedra výtvarnej výchov PdF UK bol vystavený aj sochársky portrét od študentky Archlebovej. O niekoľko dní mal jej Koloman Sokol natreté zuby a oči. Pripomína mi to natieranie tankov na ružovo. Hranie sa s popularitou. Urobiť niečo, lebo je to in.

Read more: Kolomanov úsmev

Nová scéna - Mata Hari

In front of a sold out audience of the Nová scéna theatre, on Saturday, 14th September 2013, a premiere of a much notified musical Mata Hari I took place.

Sisa Sklovská, a holder of the "Identification Code of Slovakia" award, executed an excellent performance. 'Top' is the most beautiful word in art. A special person is lucky enough to reach several 'tops' throughout her lifetime. That is the case of Sisa Sklovská. A singer with an incredible voice register. Voice that is well educated and certain. Steady vocal presence. In this project, she also introduced her acting and dancing skills. All three components of her artistic performance were composed into the main character, exaggerated by a unique expression and soft, impacting performance. Thanks to the way she portrayed this character, the musical shows strong potential.

Read more: Nová scéna - Mata Hari

Premio Internazionale D'Arte San Crispino 2013

San Crispino - 15th year of a prestigious international exhibition and award ceremony of international prices in the art category ill take place on 12th - 27th October 2013 in the representative areas of the historic renesaince palace Vila Baruchello in the Italian city Porto Sant'Elpidio.

More information on the address below. Application form has to be submitted by the 15th of September 2013.

Artem, o.z., Cesta na Červený most 10, 811 04 Bratislava

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., fax: 00421 2 54789416

Oľga Bartošíková - Obrazy (1957 - 2013)

Dovoľujeme si Vám poslať pozvánku na výstavu Nositeľky Identifikačného kódu Slovenska.

12. september 2013 (štvrtok) o 16.30 hod.
Galéria Jána Koniarka, Kopplova vila, Zelený kríček 3, Trnava

Tlačová správa

Listy - Skupina Štyri

Download this file (bartosikova13b_poz.jpg)Pozvánka[Invitation]124 kB

Italian artists - Arte Italia

19 Italian artists will present their works on 24th August 2013 at 4.00 pm in the Slovak Radio Gallery, Mýtna 1, Bratislava.

Barbi Letizia | Buongarzoni Ombretta | Cammarano Mario | Carloni Antonella | Celli Alfredo | Ciccalè Fabrizio | De Luca Rita | Farina Pietro | Martino Tina | Messora Cristina | Oddone Federica Feofeo | Pelleo Marcella | Sabatini Giovanna | Santacroce Rosalba | Sartote Oriana | Segura Pilar | Spagnuolo Lucia | Trevisan Franco | Viganò Lucia Ida

Curator of the exhibition is PhDr. Ľuboslav Moza. The Exhibition will last until 6th September 2013.

Event photographs:

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Read more: Italian artists - Arte Italia

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