Michal Balážik - Creation is infinity

"Dobre položená otázka je pre ľudstvo oveľa cennejšia, než akákoľvek odpoveď." (anonym z doby vládnutia rímskeho cisára Caligulu)

The Artem gallery invites you to an exhibition of pictures. The gala vernissage will take place on March 10, 2010 (Wednesday) at 18:00 in the Pálffy palace, Zámocká street in Bratislava.

The exhibition is open since February 23, 2010 and is available for sale. The exhibition will last by March 31, 2010. Open daily from 14:00 till 18:00 except Mondays.

Event photographs:

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Read more: Michal Balážik - Creation is infinity

Paola Ceci - Rebirth

"Iba tí nespia, ktorí rozmýšľajú o krvi, ktorú preliali, ktorí vlastnia veľké bohatstvá a nemajú spoľahlivých strážcov, ktorí roznášajú klebety a ohovárajú ľudí z túžby po majetku, ktorí sú dlžní veľa peňazí a nemajú ich čím zaplatiť, ako aj tí, ktorí niekoho milujú a boja sa straty milovaného." (úvahy ľudí, ktorí sú múdri)

Paola Ceci - Znovuzrodenie | Rinascita | Rebirth

PhDr. Ľuboslav Moza will introduce already the 36th exhibition of pictures on 25th February 2010 (Thursday) at 18.00, in the BCPB Private Gallery, Vysoká street 17, Bratislava.

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Barbora Paulovičová - Sítajána

Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Artem Association and the Slovak Radio Gallery have the pleasure to invite you to the opening of the exhibition
with personal presence of the author.

23 February (Tuesday) at 6.00 pm. in the Slovak Radio Gallery, Mýtna 1, Bratislava.

Download this file (paulovicova10_poz_en.pdf)Pozvánka EN[Invitation EN]390 kB
Download this file (paulovicova10_poz_sk.pdf)Pozvánka SK[Invitation SK]387 kB

Suzanne Široká - Kráska a Netvar

Vážení priatelia, pozývame Vás na zahájenie výstavy obrazov Švajčiarskej maliarky Suzanne Široké.

Vernisáž sa uskutoční v utorok 9.2.2010 o 18:00 hod. v Galerii Nová síň.

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Zoltán Enzoe Nagy - Solitaire

"Life is too short for me to blend in with crowd." The words of the famous Temujin, called Genghis Khan, to his beloved wife.

Let us announce that on 28th January 2010 (Thursday) at 18.00. in areas of the BCPB Private Gallery, Vysoká street 17, Bratislava, already the 35th exhibition of pictures will take place.

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Download this file (enzoe10_pri.pdf)Príhovor[Speech]27 kB

Shulman - Charm and sensuality. And next?

"My beloved! I would like to be the one, you would do nothing without." (from the official statement of an Aztec monarch to his fiancée)

We have the pleasure to invite you to the opening of the exhibition from the Sketch-book cycle, with personal presence of the Russian author. 19.1.2010 (Tuesday) at 18.00 in the Slovak Radio Gallery, Mýtna 1, Bratislava.

"It is one of the most lovely exhibitions we have presented so far. The pictures attracts by the desire to be surrounded by them in the interior."

Event photographs:

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Read more: Shulman - Charm and sensuality. And next?

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