Visiting friends

Attractive exhibition of temporary Italian art in the Gallery Na schodoch of Philosophical faculty at UKF in Nitra will be launched on 16th October 2012.

Download this file (navsteva12_poz.pdf)Pozvánka[Invitation]122 kB

Listy - Jaroslav Kočiš

Tento výtvarný umelec patrí do Zlatého fondu slovenskej kultúry. Do tvorivých súvislostí Generácie 1930. Jeho tvorba je vychádzajúcou hviezdou umenia osobnosti, ktorá vytvorila trvalo hodnotné umelecké dielo. Slovenská kultúra zažíva celé svoje obdobie neuveriteľné pohyby. Je originálna, stále mladá a objavná, dokáže osloviť a presvedčiť o vysokej hodnote aj svet. Jaro Kočiš je jednoducho unikátom, na ktorý treba byť hrdý.

Read more: Listy - Jaroslav Kočiš

Túto hudbu mám rád

Rozhovor s Ľ. Mozom na rádiu Slovensko v relácii Túto hudbu mám rád:

Read more: Túto hudbu mám rád

Vedran Šilipetar - Vedran

Already this Friday, 28.9.2012. Read the attached invitation. "Straightforward rationality of science in the placement of design elements on the image area will strongly complement the efforts of purity." (the thought of enlightened philosopher about the future of ertistic expression)

Event photographs:

Download this file (vedran12_poz.pdf)Pozvánka[Invitation]407 kB
Read more: Vedran Šilipetar - Vedran

Lucie K. Filimonova & Dagmar Vaisová - Re-cycle

Český Dub, a marvellous place in the northern Bohemia with a Johanniter commandery, a historical architecture, ready to represent a unique exhibition.

Let me invite you to an exceptional artistic performance, to be open on 20th September 2012 (Thursday) at 19.00. The good, which comes to us from foreign people, flows from us.

Download this file (filimonova12_inf.pdf)Informácia[Information]262 kB
Download this file (filimonova12_kat.pdf)Katalóg[Catalogue]1144 kB
Download this file (filimonova12_poz.jpg)Pozvánka[Invitation]287 kB

3 irreplaceable personalities - Creative symposium

One hundred years after the birth of three personalities, which we should know. Come and see how contemporary art reflects times, which these artists lived. They produced at the same time. Was that time different for each other?

Michelangelo Antonioni, Jackson Pollock, Eugene Ionesco

Vernissage of exhibition of works from the 7th creative symposium Artem will take place in the Slovak Radio Gallery on 12.9.2012 at 18:30.

Pavol Hammel is one of the best Slovak musicians. He is unique artist with significant handwriting. Laureate of Identification code of Slovakia. The exhibition will present his two musically and lyrically very strong CD. With the personal participation fo artist. World and Slovak art. One word unites them. Eternity.

Event photographs:

Download this file (3osobnosti12_kat.pdf)Katalóg[Catalogue]1189 kB
Download this file (3osobnosti12_poz.pdf)Pozvánka[Invitation]187 kB
Download this file (3osobnosti12_uvo.doc)Úvodný prejav[Intro word]24 kB
Read more: 3 irreplaceable personalities - Creative symposium

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